The Role of Beer in Ancient Egyptian Culture - CANADIAN CRAFT TOURS
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The Role of Beer in Ancient Egyptian Culture

by Brandon Moscrip January 23, 2023

The Role of Beer in Ancient Egyptian Culture

"The Role of Beer in Ancient Egyptian Culture: A Closer Look"

In our previous blog post, "The First Beer in Human Civilization: A Look Back in Time," we examined the origins of beer and its significance in the culture of the ancient Sumerians. In this post, we will take a closer look at the role of beer in ancient Egyptian culture.

Just like the Sumerians, the ancient Egyptians also had beer as an important part of their culture. Beer was consumed by people of all classes and ages, and it was believed to be a gift from the gods. The ancient Egyptians made beer from barley, which they would first dry and then grind into a fine powder. They would then mix the powder with water, sometimes adding ingredients such as dates or honey, and let it ferment for several days. The resulting beer would be low in alcohol content and would have been cloudy and thick.

Beer Was An Important Part Of Egyptian Culture

Beer was not only a beverage, but it was also an important part of ancient Egyptian society. It was used in religious ceremonies, and the ancient Egyptians even had a goddess of beer, named Tenenit, who was believed to have been the protector of beer and brewing. Additionally, beer was also a staple food for the ancient Egyptians, as it provided a source of nutrition and hydration for the population, especially for those who were working in the fields. The beer was also used as a form of payment, and it was given to workers as a daily ration.

Craft Beer in Ancient Egypt

Beer and the Pyramids

There is also speculation that beer was part of the daily food rations for each person building the pyramids of Giza.  The beer would have been less stronger than traditional beer and each person would have been given 4 litres and a loaf of bread each day.

The ancient Egyptians were also known for their advanced brewing techniques, they had a variety of different types of beer with different flavors and strengths, some of them were even used for medicinal purposes. They also developed a system of beer storage and transportation, making it possible to distribute beer over long distances.

Learn more about the role of Beer in Ancient Egyptian Culture.

Egyptian Beer Making

In conclusion, beer played a significant role in ancient Egyptian culture and society, it was considered a sacred and nutritious beverage and was consumed by people of all classes and ages. From religious ceremonies to daily sustenance, beer was an integral part of life for the ancient Egyptians, just like for the Sumerians.

Brandon Moscrip
Brandon Moscrip


If you can not get a hold of Brandon he is either Snowboarding, diving, in a hammock or on the hunt for his favourite new Craft Beverage somewhere globally. If you are looking for Brandon, you'll have a better chance finding Waldo.

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